Board forms new committees to focus on specific goals
We’re off and running, working toward meeting the benchmarks in our Strategic Plan.
Back in the fourth quarter of 2018, I continued to focus on the excellent strategic plan started by Woodburn & Kyle. I hope to build on that framework and continue to revise and adJust our benchmark goals in various areas on a regular basis. A solid strategic plan, of course, never comes with a definite completion date, but rather continues to strive toward goals to achieve and find new areas for growth.
As part of the new framework, in addition to our Executive Board, we have formed the following committees to provide leadership and focus on specific goals:
Strategic Planning: Dr. Dustin Bailey
Social Media: Jen Duplaga
Events: Pending
Regional Chapters: Camille Fife
Newsletter: Phyllis McLaughlin
Finance/Grants: Larry Stout
Facilities: Jan Vetrhus, Terry Phillips
Programs/Outreach: David Harden
Tours: Pending
Publications/Research: Sean FitzGerald
Membership/Volunteers: Pending
As you may have noticed, there are committees that do not yet have a chair. This is an ongoing process and we will continue to update you as we go.
Some projects we are highlighting include:
- Governance: Focus on populating our committees, immediately secure a treasurer
- Fundraising: Promote online donations
- Facilities: Improve the driveway, move displays to the college building, develop a site plan
- Programs: Set dates for 2019 programs, involve the community
- Newsletter Publish two to three issues per year; post on website and distribute electronically.
– Dr. Dustin Bailey,
Chair of Strategic Planning